Wednesday, 8 May 2013

These pictures are of a company called British Petroleum. Who ever created them is clearly for environmentalism and against use of oil transportation and use of oil. They are often criticized for an oil spill that happened in the gulf of mexico on April 20th - July 15th, 2010. This spill reeked havoc on the ecosystem. Reportedly, 4.9 million gallons of oil poured out into the gulf[1]. They did acknowledge that it was their fault and they have been working for 3 years, and will continue to work on restoring the golf to the way it was before the incident. 

They do care about the environment as they show on their own website. People that criticize companies like this have no right to for that reason. If you want the habitat to be restored faster, then donate money. That's all that you can do. Sure if the incident never happened then the habitat would be fine but it's an accident, things happen.



  1. I agree with you on this, that they have contributed greatly to helping the environment, like how they helping to restore the gulf, and how they recovered the oil that was spilled, etc. But I believe that since these companies are part of something as extreme as the oil industry, the factors they care most about are money and their reputation. Although they might actually care about the nature, the money is what is actually driving them.

    For example, when BP encountered such a huge problem like the oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico, a lot of the part of why they are trying to clean up the oil would be because of their reputation. They would not want to be known as the company that "ruined the reefs", and people would therefore stop supporting them. They would not become successful. So, yes they do fund for wildlife, but do you think that if they weren't such a successful company with a ton of money, they would still do that stuff? Since BP Is indeed a business that can afford something like that, it increases their reputation, and therefore earning more business and rep, and we should not ignore these factors.


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    2. Money drives the world. Of course BP would care about money just as you and I do, but the reason why they have that money is simply because they are good at what they do and they are reliable. Money is a major factor in this and without it, I doubt they would have took on this massive project to restore the habitat, but if they didn't I am sure somebody else would have picked up the reigns. Would that have made BP a bad company because they have to rely on others to clean up their messes? Probably, and they wouldn't be so reliable. That isn't the case though. Since they have the money they can own up for what they did. Those who can own up to what they do will always be stronger than those who turn the shoulder. That's why I don't think their reputation was a main factor but it is a factor.

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  3. Many companies do this and I say my thanks.

    But may I point out that many company do this to look good and if you watch television, there are many undercover shows. Very few people actually wants to help the environment and few even tries to fix their mistakes (ex. spills etc.) Here is an example in Canada.

    1. When you first start a company, you are trying to make a living for yourself by making more of a profit than the competitor, Looking good is one of the was that you can help bias your customers,
      The oil pipe ruptured due to lack of maintenance. It was the company's fault. Their reputation was damaged but since they didn't have the money that BP has, they couldn't restore the habitat fully and redeem themselves.

    2. Good logic but how long do people remember these things? I myself can't even remember the company's name. People forget about them and keep buying their products.

      Let me ask you something. When your dad goes to "Shell", does he ever check the medias to see if Shell did anything bad? 99.9% people will answer no. And that .01% is very little. As I said there are very few people left in this world who REALLY cares for it.
